Valentina Sessini
BIO: Valentina Sessini obtained her Academic Degree in Materials Science and Engineering in 2011 at the University of Cagliari (Italy). In 2012 she participated to the International Master Course in “Green Chemistry” at the University of Sassari. In the framework of this Master, she had introduced to the biobased and biodegradable materials doing a stage at Novamont S.p.A working with starch-based adhesives. Then, she entered in the PhD program of the University of Perugia as the winner of a competitive Scholarship of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) under the Project “Fondo Giovani Ricercatori” to investigate on blends and bionanocomposites based on starch obtaining her PhD degree in Civil and Innovative Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology on May, 2017. Thanks to the granted mobility activity developed during her PhD thesis, she had the possibility to move to Madrid and work at the ICTP – CSIC where she obtained also a second Master in High specialization in Plastics and rubber (UIMP – ICTP) in 2015. Moreover, she has built a European network of collaborators experienced on biobased smart polymers (Italy, Spain, France and Belgium). After that, she moved to Belgium, at the University of Mons in a frame of a Postdoctoral position developing biobased free-isocyanate polyurethanes with piezoelectric properties by reactive extrusion. She has experience in biopolymers and bionanocomposites synthesis, processing and characterization. She has published 12 peer-reviewed JRC scientific publications and 5 book chapters. Her work has been presented in more than 20 national and international congresses and she is frequently Reviewer of SCI Journals from different editorials. She supervised different students work in the laboratory and she has participated in several scientific divulgation activities. Currently, she is developing GREENPEHS project as a GET-COFUND MarieCurie Fellow at the University of Alcalá.
Communication and dissemination
- Awareness-raising campaigns for circular economy for plastics. Valentina Sessini, SUSCATCOM group, participates in the global challange by AltrapoLB on sustainable fashion.
- European Young Researchers’ Award. Valentina Sessini wins the EYRA award and popular prize under the postdoc category (news and event). The cerenomy is available here and Valentina’s video here.
- Elsevier interviews the winners of EuroScience awards. Early-career researchers share thoughts on life under Coronavirus, here.
- Sardinian Women Stand Out (Donne sarde che contano), organised by the association Elda Mazzocchi Scarzella and supported by the Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità. Valentina Sessini will be meeting children aged 11 to answer their questions. 3rd December 2020.